Firefly raised her eyes to the stranger for a moment as she herself began to wonder. The bronze and gold girl knew that the pack here was family, she just didn't care to know her family as well as others often did, just Kansas. Her emerald eyes once more met those of the other woman as she simply stated. "I know, but I don't need to find out about them all.. just one." She flicked her eyes back towards the packlands as she sighed. It was obvious that Kansas wasn't on border patrol today and she wasn't going to get lucky like last time. Nudging a few pebbles along their way over the edge of the bank to a watery grave she watched the murky waters gobble the stone up.

As Anu asked her if she was meeting a packmember Firefly just shook her head and admitted. "No.. I just thought Kansas would find me.. " Kansas had always had time for Firefly in the past and she him.. but in this whole new world with new packs and different friendships and paths they walked it seemed like the past was going to stay the past and she'd be lucky to get a quick glimpse of him from time to time in passing. She was more than a little disappointed but her words were all that really let it show this time.

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