
dam it! i knew i would do this... sorry, getting used to this account linking thing..

She would forever be a romantic, sweet words and a soft touch would always make her knees weak. Didn’t everyone want to feel that way? So sure and committed that no other being could come close to completing you, as that one soul did. How could anyone not search for that?

Anu took in what she said, noticing her change in tone. The smile she wore gave Anu deep insight. She might have been different there, happy. Or at least happier then she was here. Anu could see her, in her element in the home that held her heart. It seemed as if Firefly had found the one that completed her, it was just a place instead of a person.

“Sounds like it was the better place for you.” her smile was weaker then before, no more then a thin grin.


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