To explore the unknown
The stranger who was no stranger to the lands was finally met by a figure before him graced with a snowy pelt and emerald eyes. He smiled as he caught the scent of milk and young upon her, a gentle nod was granted towards the lady as she approached with caution. The stance of authority was present in everything she did and the preditor's gaze would have bore into him if others actions didn't roll off his pelt like water off a seal's back.

The smile that graced his lips was exchanged to a outright grin as the male bowed his head gracefully to the woman and spoke softly. "Greeting Ma'am. Just exploring these old lands and seeing what has changed in the past seasons since my childhood." His smile seemed to fade slowly as he gave the woman a wink as he added. "It seems like a lot has, come to think about it." It was apparent now that the lands were occupied and this woman had something to do with the pack that reigned in his old childhood home. There was no hard feelings towards them, only the wistful wish that he could go back there again.

The earthy hued boy stretched his strong sturdy limbs out as he felt a creak in his back as he finally rid himself of that pesty little ache along his spine. Settling back down the male gave her a name to finally place with his face, "I'm sorry, the name's Sankor." His eyes twinkled as he asked, "And who might such a rare gem like you be?" The male wasn't exactly interested in finding someone to fill the echoing chamber in his heart but it didn't hurt to know the options that were out there in the great big bright world.

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