the last rays of yesterday
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WC: 283

Pendzez saw that he startled her and she was getting aggressive. She was getting ready to scare Pendzez off, but if she tried, it wouldn't have worked. Pendzez found no reason to run away from a place he was just visiting. and who gave you such permission to roam.. is what the female said to the snow white wolf. Pendzez thought on the subject, and he had a pretty simple answer to it. Though he was in a pack, sometimes he would like to get away to place that he wanted to come to again. He would eventually, he would meet the people he met before when a loner. Right now, he had to answer the females question. "I just come here to get away. I'd go anywhere, but felt like coming here to meet up with some friends from a month ago. That's enough permission for me."

"Does Phoenix Valley not teach you respect?" Pendzez was obviously not welcome to her presence. Pendzez would need to try to befriend her, or something similar. However, upon looking at her body and her face, she looked like Iskata, and she had beauty, more than the sunset. Pendzez could see it by looking at her. However, back to the question, Pendzez always knew respect, but he needs to get away. Sometimes, he would be a pack member. Other days, he would act like a loner for a while. "I do know of respect, but I just wanna be a loner from time to time," he said to the female. He walked beside her to the edge of the dock and sat down with his feet hanging over. "I didn't mean to disturb you. I'm sorry."


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