Beautiful Insanity
She relaxed as she found him to be ininjured, unharmed, and healthy. She watched him closely. he was fidgity, anxious. His words made her smile with excitement, unaware of the rest of the news. "That's wonderful, Jazz! I'm so excited for you. Who is she? Who are her parents? When do we get to meet her?"
Again, questions were fired off before the boy could answer the first one. It was her way, she supposed, to ask questions and get answeres later. She hugged him happily. "I'm glad you found someone to love and trust, Jazz." No, the trust wasn't a tiny barb aimed at lucifer at all. Not one tiny bit. No, Deuce didn't still harbor a smidgen of resentment for him sleeping with Jasper while she'd been pregnant. Not at all. No rsntment over the threesome either. Not one tiny little bit. Not Deuce. Never.
Sarcasm was not her strong point.


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