foggy memories and fading ghosts
Iskata had somehow managed to find herway up into the hayloft, more out of hiding from her responsiblities than from the need to be alone. She knew of a few who would bicker and nag at the extremely pregnant female for having even attempted to scale the heights in her current state but right now she really didn't care. She'd flopped down into the warm hay, the crisp summer scent enveloping her as she sighed and let her mind wander towards broken memories of summers past, of fireflies and lightning storms, meadows filled with moonlight and the sound of the ocean in her ears with the rising sun.

The smile seemed to linger on her lips while she fell into a world she couldn't return to with faces that were no more. It was heartache but no one could argue any different with the girl.. she couldn't let those figures from her past go.. no matter how long ago. The ivory pelt of her mother like a ghost in those dreams, the greyscale apothacary and her lost friends and family.. even the midnight pelt of a dear friend she'd never had the chance to apologize to.. She whimpered softly in her sleep, the sweet pain of those lost haunting her dreamworld wasn't enough to bring her to wake and she wouldn't have wanted it to. Where else would she have been able to see them all together again.

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