foggy memories and fading ghosts


escape is never the safest path

He was told about his father, his mother, his family. Laruku was the brother he wasn't supposed to have; he wondered why such information had been withheld beforehand, such as the name of his aunt and the like. He should have figured... there were far too many things the two held in common that made their meeting less of a coincidence. The mentioning of his father, Acid, was something of a surprise. Jefferson had expected some important-sounding, mystical background about his father and a majestic death (due to the large lineage Jefferson apparently had), but no. His father simply disappeared... for some reason, the concept sounded familiar, and was thus easily believed. However, the lineage he possessed was more rooted through his mother. "So my mother is still alive and my old man's out there somewhere, if not dead." He snorted. "Wouldn't be surprised if I killed him myself without even knowing. There has been a lot of bloodshed in my day."

He nodded rather unsurprisingly at the mentioning of more names. "I've met Cercelee and Haku by now, both in passing. Haku and I were able to connect the blood, but I didn't know about my background when I met Cercelee a while back." His eye strayed. "I thought she looked familiar to someone I knew... when I mentioned it to Laruku, he figured out he looked like my grandmother, Ceres." His averted eye saddened when she moved to mention that this Maluki had simply drifted off into nowhere--and yet, despite the disappointment, he was not at all alarmed. His whole body seemed to droop then, ears flattening and a subtle frown replacing the habitual scowl. It appeared he had true colors hiding beneath, but this vulnerability was a rare and delicate sight when his guard was lost altogether. His thoughts took over a few moments, but he eventually sighed and raised his gaze to her once more. "When did he--I--disappear? What was I"


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