foggy memories and fading ghosts
Iskata wasn't sure how she felt at being the one to be doing all the question answering, it was almost like a repeat of having to explain why someone had to die to a young pup who didn't understand, or where puppies come from. The conversation wasn't embarassing or heart wrenching for her like the others could be, but the aftermath one normally was stuck with felt the same. She raised her eyes up as Jefferson spoke, the questions coming again as she tried to find answered in the middle of what little she actually knew. "Colibri was alive and well last I saw her, a little sad, but she's somewhere around here." She missed his mother, she didn't want to admit it to him, but Colibri had been one of the few wolves that were really left from their old pack that she'd spent time around.. the rest were just as scattered as leaves on an autumn day.

The reaction Jefferson had to his father though made her eyes flash for a moment. She didn't feel like the scarred up newly rediscovered nephew was a threat to her, but it still showed that she didn't know everything. She sighed softly and admitted. "Yes, your father just.. left. He wasn't the first and he wouldn't be the last though." She knew she sounded bitter, but it was the truth. She couldn't really think of many of the youth she'd known that had had a real father figure around for long. She shook her head and smirked at what Jefferson had revealed. "Well, you're not the first with blood on their hands either... If he's alive he'll find hisway back.." She tried to sound reassuringly, she knew the way things had been for those from Clouded Tears. They always come back.. but this wasn't Clouded Tears and she wasn't sure if the same would apply here.

Iskata couldn't help but smile as her nephew tried to explain who he'd met from their family and who he hadn't. Sorrow flashed in her eyes as she thought of her mother, whom Cercelee was like a ghostly image of. She lowered her head a moment as her fingers ran across her belly, trying to push away the pain of losing her mother, the guilt of not even being there.. everything was too much for her.. just when she'd thought she'd buried it all it would returned. In a moment's time she raised her eyes back up to look at Jeffers, his state seemed to reflect how she felt somehow as she spoke softly. "There's more of us around.. if you wanted to meet them. Most weren't around to remember or know of Clouded Tears and our past lives.. but you do have a large family.. even if you don't want us.. we're still around." She ran her fingers through her mane as she tried to answer the last question, though she knew she wasn't the best to answer that. "You left.. shortly after mother died. I was already gone before she'd passed on.. if I'd had a choice I wouldn't have been.." she said wistfully. Of all the things she'd regretted the day she'd approached Ahren on the beach had been the one that had turned her life on end and she wished there was a way to rewrite it all.. but that was then and now.. was too late to think of such.

She smiled though, thinking back on who Maluki was as she answered. "You were.. one of those few.. good guys." She knew it sounded pathedic but it was the truth, then again when you were that young.. there wasn't really much choice.. no one was ever born cruel or evil.. time just changed people. Obviously her nephew had been changed through the times, but so had she. "The question is.. who do you want to be?" she asked honestly as she gazed at the man before her.

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