foggy memories and fading ghosts
Iskata didn't reply when he spoke up, both their worlds seemed to have crashed to a hault here in this moment and it would take time for them to be rebuilt. She was thinking of what he'd said and who he was and yet she came to no new conclusion of the whole situation. She just shook her head She didn't want his apology and she didn't want him to believe he had to get to know any of them.. or even admit to them who he was or if he was relative or not. She smiled weakly as he granted her his decision and what she already knew. "Everybody changes.. what's happened between then and now.. it doesn't matter." She reenforced the words he'd already said. "Jefferson is who you are now.. no sense changing the world because of something that can't be rewritten anyways." She knew she was a hypocrite eve saying that, so many times she'd wished to rewrite her world.. but it wasn't her life being discussed at the moment so it didn't matter in the long run.

She raised her eyes to look at him as she slowly drew a breath through her teeth. " I allowed to go back to sleep.." she teased. "Or do I have duties and responsiblites you're going to remind me to attend to." She wasn't ending the discussion, but he'd came to the conclusion of what he wanted from this world it seemed and she was fine with his choice. She didn't believe that it really mattered either way.. atleast she knew now what had happened to the nephew from so long ago.. "I'll keep this our secret.. if you want it to remain that." She didn't think that anyone would really care, but there was always a bad seed in every bunch and she didn't feel the need to raise fuss unless it was needed. Right now it wasn't and if Jefferson wanted the world to know who he once was, that was his business not hers. She wasn't even awake enough to want to shout it from the rooftops anyways. There was a warn dry nest of hay calling her name and she wanted to find herway back to it as soon as possible.. until someone else came to gawk at her massive belly atleast.

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