fine line
DaVinci had been looking for Ryan again, this time it was more than just wanting a chance at seeing her.. he didn't know exactly what their relationship was or where it was going but he had skeletons in his closet and he wanted to know the truth before he let it go to far. Before he let himself believe he was worthy of something in someone's eyes.

The silvery blue boy had padded along the edge of the coast towards the border of Inferni. He stopped short of those glorious relics that the clan loved to display to the world. For a brief moment he wondered what would happen if someone was just brave enough to remove their warning. He knew the border would still be there and the coyotes beyond that.. but atleast the feeling in the pit of his stomach would stop rolling over and over again.

He shook his head and stood face to face with one of the skulls, half of what he was yet so little of his resembled the creature the dome had once belonged to. He was not a wolf, not a coyote, yet somehow he was beginning to find some sort of middleground.. was the world finally changing it's mind on his split heritage or was he just becoming one of the lucky ones. He didn't know, maybe it was all in the eye of the beholder.. maybe it was just a long list of what if's and perhapses.

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