fine line

indent Talitha had gone to look for her mother. Gabriel had seen her off, though none too happily. Still, he agreed it was best, and let her have the independency she needed. Marlowe had followed after her, and offered to do so to keep an eye on the girl. While he was glad she felt safe enough to move on her own, he also watched Inferni lose another member. They were weakening, moon by moon.

indent He had been coming back from seeing her off, traveling south, and was mildly surprised by the silver-gray figure staring at the skulls. It took a second for recognition to occur, and he felt the fur along his spine rise. While he did not hate the boy, he remembered his face that night, and remembered that he had made the choice to turn against them. That was all it really took.

“You interested in joining them?”
Gabriel’s voice rang out as he advanced from behind, charms dangling around his neck and four feet moving at an easy lope.


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