just a little bit of life

A sleeping dragon was not something to be messed with. Red-scaled body heaved up and down with each breath. A flick of the tail revealed a dreaming mind, images of burning villages and eating herd of livestock in seconds. It was wrong to disturb the slumbering beast, but there might just be one beast brave enough to do so, or was it more foolish? A swift whack on the butt woke the slumbering beast, amber eyes blazed as her long neck curved to see who disturbed her.

Of course in reality she was a mere shewolf curled behind a pumpkin with her tail covering her nose, but to the pair she looked far different.

A roar was emitted from her mouth, the sound of a fussy baby awoken from its afternoon nap. Without waiting for an answer she stood to face her advisory, and found it to be the golden knight of her nightmares. The gleaming sword made her temble, but to survive she would fight to her death. His small size increased her confidence and drawing her to the mouth of her dwelling.

A flick of the tail would take care of him, she was sure of it, sword or not. She brushed her tail against his legs in hope of taking them from under him. It would be a battle to the death, good versus evil.


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