something like grace - p ehno
Location: Haven Mansion. Hi Ehno! :]

Lime-green eyes scanned the worn pages of a tome that the shewolf had found in the shelves of an upstairs room. She had once again settled into the warm comfort of the large manse's living room. She sat cross legged on the floor, leaning against the western wall in her Optime form. The wolfess had become something of a homebody in the last few days, sticking to Haven Mansion and areas that were only a few minutes walking distance away. Although a few days of rest had gone a long way in improving her condition, the femme still tired very easily and she did not want to over exert herself. She spent her days doing what she was now, sitting in the quiet and peace of the living room, absorbing every bit of knowledge from any book she could find and occasionally scrawling something or another down on her collection of parchment.

Her skin had become elastic again, and she was able to move much more freely. Her stomach was no longer stretched, distended with her terminated pregnancy. She now looked much more herself, much healthier. Her coat was not as dull, and now shone with the beginnings of health. It had begun to grow thick in places as the weather cooled. Geneva was a small wolfess - almost delicate. Her arms and legs were thin, her ribcage streamlined. Even full grown, she was barely bigger than a yearling. She had been the runt of the litter, and had always gotten sick easier and healed the slowest. And although her body was not very strong, her mind was a force to be reckoned with.

She rose from her position on the floor and stretched her stiff limbs. Although the air was cool and she easily became cold, she decided that a small walk in the fresh air might help to clear her mind and aid in her healing. She walked slowly to the front porch and leaned against the railing, the wind whispering softly along the fur on her face. She closed her eyes for a moment and enjoyed the coolness of the breeze.

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