beyond the dying

Deuce made my emo hotness.. and this is set in Millstone Village btw.

Firefly had set about exploring the whole of the territories from one coast to the mountains while she wasn't patroling the borders. She had been appointed as a scout for the pack and she figured that she might as well know just what was left out there, packwise, loners or just creatures to avoid. She'd set to wandering through the woods this day far from home when she'd come across a path so weak in appearance she'd thought atfirst that it'd been nothing more than a deer trail until she'd come upon the ruins of Millstone Village, though she had no clue it bared such a name. The girl had decided that though it was nothing now it was worth investigating just the same.

She'd come to stand at a very strange sight, stonewalling encircling a large hole in the ground, deep down into darkness with the scent of water coming strong. Her nose pressed against old warped sunbleached boards that covered up the top of the wall came to reveal nothing. She had never seen an old-fashion well, the wolves from Eire had never had need for them, enough was drawn from the rivers and streams. Curiousity was too much for the woman as she began to push the boards away to try and find out what dwelt beneith.


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