With the tiniest of tails

for brother

The sun was bright, but the air cold. Her understanding was that the sun brought heat, but why was it so cold? Short legs brought her over the hard ground, and her breath was visible with each exhale. It was different, something new she had never noticed. So many things blossomed before her when her mothers weren’t around. They were distractions, always showing her where to go and guiding her from one new experience to another. But they forgot the things that stood right in front of her, like her frozen breath or how rain drops got caught in the small wells leaves made.

Violet eyes watched the clouds around her nose, until the crossed and her view skewed. She blinked rapidly, until her vision returned to normal. Tempted by curiosity she tried it again, looking at her nose and focusing until everything in front of her doubled. Shaking her head she regained her sight but not before tripping over her own two from paws. They were too large, bigger then any one else’s in history. The brown things gave foresight to how large she would become once full grown. But she hated them. Why couldn’t they be tiny like Brooklyn’s?

Gaining her footing she ran with as much speed she could muster them the large feet. No beast would be able to follow her, into the dark woods beyond the home cave. Little eyes checked behind her, and saw no moms following or watching. Reaching the trees she looked up, wondering what lay beyond the shadows. She was suddenly timid and unsure if she had made the right choice, looking down with concern. Her large toes came into view, and her courage returned, with such large paws she could take any kind of step.


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