what have you done now?

indent The pain was maddening. This was not the first time he had broken apart, and it would not be the last. Gabriel bottled his emotions and his problems up. As demanded by any law of physics, when the amount inside became too great, the container would shatter. So it went today, as he bled onto the floor and shook with rage. Even though her voice was the voice of an angel, he couldn’t bear to hear a word. She didn’t meet his eyes and he wondered briefly if that was because she was lying. Maybe she was just a great actress. Maybe this whole thing had been a lie.
indent He took his blood-covered hand, moved it to her face. “Look at me,” he ordered, golden eyes burning. “Tell me again.” He was a simple creature, in many respects. If she could meet his eyes and he could see there was truth, then it would be all right. If not…if not…heaven help them.


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