It's a kind of magic

We can skip Shannon for this round if you'd like to get this joining post done quickly. ;]

She nodded to the newcomer as he spoke, frowning slightly as he offered his name. She had heard it before, yes, but was unable to place where. Lucifer cleared this up by explaining that Sedition had been a member of the pack in the past when it had been under the temporary rule of Spade. And if he were kin of Endyminion, this also made him related to Fatin, whom Tayui was sure would be overjoyed to have another family member join the pack. The pack of Jade and Shadows had since grown and now included the puppies in Fatin's latest litter as well as Endyminion and her sister Alarice. It was nice to know that they really were as much a great, big family as they told the new joiners. Even those unrelated were family.

Tayui smiled as Lucifer finished speaking, nodding quickly to herself and trying to sort all the information out. If Sedition had in fact been a member of the pack, someone (whether Mordulin or Spade) had seen him fit to join. However, Tayui knew that wolves could change and that although Sedition may have been in the pack in the past, such details could only influence the present to a certain degree. "And yet you have returned. Why? Why should you be permitted to join again? Wolves come and go so often, it seems, that they hardly pause to give a greeting." She frowned, pausing. "Why should you join, now?" She did not want to pressure the male any more than she needed to, but if he was in fact the same Sedition she had known for only a short while, she was curious to know why he should be permitted to join. The pack was a family, not a soup kitchen one could wander in every so often. No matter who he was related to, he had to be able to assure her that if he did leave, it would be accompanied with a goodbye.


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