the war is endless; roaring forever
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Studying; lame start. Sorry. ;___;

Allegro sat on a large block of limestone in the Woodview Quarry, viewing the lands. She was quite bored, and was hopefully expecting someone. She knew, possibly, that no one would come, but she still imagined herself meeting someone new. Allegro switched the weight between both sides of her body; noting that her limbs felt stiff and weak. The wolf was puzzled, confused. Why would she feel stiff? She hadn't been in any battles recently, if at all, and she hadn't gone hunting in a while. She brushed her thoughts aside and heard a twig crack.

What was that?!? Allegro thought unexpecedly, turning her head back and forth ever so slightling, her gaze following with it. She sighed. She was being more paranoid then ever. Her father had always said she worried too much and that isn't wasn't healthy for her. Back then as a pup, she never understood why her father said such statements. But now, sitting clumisly on a block of limestone, Allegro Aston finally understood why.


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