holding me, morphing me, forcing me to strive - j

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... -eagle.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom;">
crappy post by me. do you want to post again or should I close it? Smile

The light-pelted male took his words and said nothing, simply accepted them. Good. Dawali was not a wolf of many words, and most of the time when he decided to use them it went wrong. So whenever anyone reacted in a way he would have done himself (after all, why did everyone have to talk all the time?), he felt a little part of him relax. And Ember had not taken his words as a cheesy compliment either, nor reacted unpredictably - like women do. Good. All good. The impatient feeling lingered and his foot trembled slightly, giving away his urge to get going. Luckily, Ember opened up for just that, somehow things clicked well during this encounter despite how the outcome of his stupid choice of words might have been. Relieved at the opening, he responded quite quickly, not even considering doing the deed himself. She volunteered, and he wouldn't stop her. If you could show this one around too, Ember, that'd be great. I was on my way to tend to the horses, so I better get going. Their food storage still isn't the size I'd like it to be. It was true, but perhaps exaggerated. They had food for at least two weeks, but he could never be sure that the weather didn't change. And they needed those horses to make it, and badly. Otherwise, should the rest of the tribe members arrive during spring, they'd have trouble when it came to the crops. And that kind of trouble was trouble they didn't want. Nodding and smiling again at the newcomer and Ember, Dawali turned and left the scene.


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