(I can't get no) Satisfaction
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... tomvi0.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

This cold rain stuff was the pits. The pumpkin pup wanted to go out and explore! Go out and have some fun! But he didn't want to get all wet and cold in the process. The rain was even worse than the snow. At least the snow didn't really get you wet. When he was wet and it was cold it seemed to seep down right into the very core of him. It was a yucky, bad feeling. But being holed up in the den all day wasn't a very happy alternative. Haven was the kind of boy who always wanted to be doing something. He definitely wasn't a homebody.

Then he remembered that forest on the edge of their lands. The trees were so thick that even the snow hadn't been able to fall there! Maybe he could go play there and be shielded from the nasty rain! Excited at this new prospect he took off at breakneck speed, doing his best to avoid getting too wet along the way.

As he crossed into the forest and then past Crimson Dreams' borders her gave a big shake, sending water droplets flying everywhere. Jade eyes looked up at the huge canopy made by the trees. There was still some rain pouring in, but nothing like it was outside of the forest. Pleased with his brilliant discovery he bounded into the trees, jumping in puddles.


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