(I can't get no) Satisfaction
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... able01.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
__Out of character speech.

Pepe grinned at the orange pup. "Hi Haven," he said. "My name is Pepe." His eyes scanned over the trees, their cover thick like fog over the two of them. They created a net, a cradle to shield them from the rain. How cool was that! "I don't like to get wet very much," Pepe said, nodding in agreement. The rain wasn't his favorite thing in the whole world. But then again, who liked it all that much anyway? There was only so much dancing you could do in the rain before you got cold and your coat got heavy from the water.

He bent his head toward the puddle Haven had been playing in. His ocean blue eyes lighted up with his smile. He bent his nose to the water and blew slightly, sending the little ice pieces floating in all new different directions. "I love these kinds of puddles," he confided in the puppy. It might have been strange to see an adult wolf playing in a puddle, but there weren't any other adults around, just the two boys.


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