the sky wore a veil of gold and green
Iskata's tail flicked back and forth with annoyance at the tension that seemed to hang in the air between her two family members. She twitched an ear as DaVinci spoke and then Savina, her sightless orbs turning to DaVinci at SaVina's mention of his lack of manners, in a way. She raised a brow at her son but didn't say anything. When he growled and butted in with his own answer she felt the fur along her neck bristle but she knew the male would state his mind no matter what she said. She hated to say that he was right but she pushed the thoughts aside as she heard his pawprints leading away from the woman who remained with her.

A sigh broke through her lips, she knew that her appearance much be more than a shock to the ebony hued woman but she didn't say anything at first. It took her a second to realize that the woman had bent down to her height, Iskata shying away for a moment at the touch, she hadn't grown use to others outright just appearing still, even though Skylar had silently become her lead dog it was in subtle less noticeable ways.. never an outright approach. She flicked her ears back as she tried to stay steady and not let the whole matter get out of hand. The words Savina spoke were nothing short of what she would have expected from the woman who'd stolen Kansas' heart but yet she wished she could make the woman understand DaVinci, he'd always been rough around the edges, atleast with adults.

When the gentle kiss touched her brow Iskata lowered her head and spoke softly. "Tell Kansas not to worry, I'm still here. I'm sorry things seemed to have got out of hand.. but don't be so hard on DaVinci.. he's had a hard time adjusting." She looked away, unsure if her son would want the world to know his life but she didn't want such ill feelings between the family as well. "He won't stop going to Crimson Dreams either.. Nani is his sister, and more of a mother than I ever was to him." She said sadly as she shook her head. She had a closet of secrets that haunted her.. slowly they did escape but hardly anyone was alive still to understand just what she meant, a torture and a relief.

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