nothing short of impossible
Sankor shook his head at her words, the question making him feel slightly stupid since he did not have an answer to give her. He flicked his eyes away towards the darkness within the caverns as he admitted that much "I don't know.. I've always been embarassed to ask.." He did know one way but he wasn't about to strike up a conversation with the woman about his own sexual encounters, or lack of them. He'd been with others in the past but oddly enough he had never contracted the virus from any carriers. He'd never stopped to think about it but his family's bloodlines were pure, perhaps they had a higher immune system than others.. or maybe it was just him. Whatever the cause he wasn't about to get himself caught in the middle of that tone of conversation just yet.. he wasn't trying to seduce the beauty before him.. that he knew of.

He was known for using his charm and flirting but sometimes conversations weren't his thing when it came to certain subjects. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself as the silence was destroyed finally. His green flecked honey orbs turned back to her as he took a step towards the woman and returned the smile she'd given him as she'd echoed his words. "Secrets. They make life more interesting, you can't deny that." he said as the ground between them seemed to slowy vanish. His mind was off track not realizing just what his words sounded like or his gestures as he paused a few paces away from the woman and asked. "Are you coming?" before turning back towards one of the caverns he had explored a bit.

Without waiting for the woman he disappeared into the darkness, the only inducation that he was still near was his voice echoing back to her. "How do you measure worth, Cwmfen?" he asked. He wasn't entirely sure how he himself measured worth, his life was so laid back that there hadn't been a real need to measure things up and make serious judgements.

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