nothing short of impossible


The black fae smiled in the dark. It was indeed something difficult to describe. And somehow she felt that it was difficult for her to do so because of his presence. He was a friend, and, when they had first met, she had shared a secret with him. And even though she had discovered the truth, she was still grateful for what he had given her then. And now, she did not want to offend him, for she knew how some creatures could be offended by what she thought. Sometimes, she had learned that it was better to be silent, and so she had been silent. But, at the same time, it was always better to relieve the soul and share those secrets. And so that was why she smiled. "Sometimes it’s nice to have those secrets, especially when you share them with another." And only one other, so that it was a secret shared by two. But those were dangerous. That was when worth came in, for only those who are worthy can be trusted. And she had trusted him.

And then her attention was on the path ahead, for a strange light was being emitted. She could see in the dark, and the light highlighted the two wolves’ forms and the texture of the walls that clung to them. And the silence was filled with the sound of something—something other than silence. Was it water? The female’s woad banded ears pricked forward as she listened. And then, as Sankor turned back to her, the darkness of the earth opened up in some great underground chamber, and it seemed to the female, who had never seen such a thing, that they had come to rest at the bowels of the earth. And the warrior could not help but gasp—a quiet sound that was lost in the bubbling of that strange water. This darkness was beautiful, and it sang a strange, almost frightening song of beauty, and a smile graced her maw as if she were listening to some soothing lullaby.

"You sleep here?" the alto voice asked at last. She did not know how much time had passed. Maybe only a second, or perhaps several minutes. The female hesitated there, as if uncertain as to whether she should proceed. If Sankor had slept here, this would be like his den, and she did not want to intrude without permission into this private, personal space. The white orbs swept over that dark and shadowed paradise before they reluctantly returned to the male. That strange light played with his features, and it was almost as if he were some other creature. But his scent was the same. "This place," she shook her head. And then, she was silent, for she lacked the words to describe it.


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