i think i'll have another glass of mexican wine
Thanks for putting this up![html]

Things had gotten better. At least, it had died down some. He still felt broken and wasn’t quite interested in the things that had once given him joy. His medical books and studying had been left behind now, and mostly he spent the days wandering and trying to come to terms with what had happened. His mind set has swayed so much in the past few months. He needed something to refresh him, save him, give him purpose again. But he hadn’t, as of yet, found whatever that thing was.

As he walked idly through AniWaya’s newly claimed territory, he wondered again about Dierdre. He had tried to push thoughts of her away, but somehow they seemed to be filtering back. Perhaps because of this mishap with Hybrid, Pilot’s brain was trying to show him what true love looked like. Or at least a love that was reciprocated. But thinking of Dierdre opened up old wounds, so he had to push that out of his head as well. For now, at least. Until his mind was able to handle it again.

A white wolf stood in the distance; someone Pilot didn’t know. Of course it wasn’t Tayui (since he could spot her anywhere) and he automatically assumed it was another member of the tribe. He decided to approach him (why not?) and see who it was. Maybe if he began to feel like a part of this tribe he would be able to overcome and mentally heal from everything that had come to pass.


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