Oh what a day
Note to self: This happened the day before Hanna found out Slay was mates with Cer. Note 2: Rearrange threads in chronological order in PL.

Heh, I think she's gotten more use out of her skills since I came back last month than ever before.

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The female had been spending altogether too much time around Dahlia. It was almost as though she were part of the pack again, and part of her wanted this to be so. She missed seeing everyone she was used to seeing, missed being around the familiar faces. And now, she had a bigger reason to want to be there.

This day, it was again to Dahlia's benefit that she happened to be lurking the borders. She'd wished to smell the breeze coming off the bay, and had crossed to Whisper Beach at the Dahlia lines. She sat there, one hand draped over the pack she carried with her constantly now, and contemplated the ice as it stretched across to The Waste. True, it had to skirt around the jutting opposite side of the beach and Arachnea's Revenge, but eventually it washed up on Inferni's shores.

A loud cry for help from a familiar voice cut through her reverie, alerting her medic's senses and putting her on full alert. She stood up and began trotting in a north-northwesterly direction, picking up into a run a moment later. She halted when she noted the pair of wolves out on the ice. Both were in their lupus form, and Hanna immediately recognized Slay's piebald coat. The other male was not known to her, but he had bright scarlet blood running down his head. A film of it pinked the ice, and she watched as the younger male stumbled. She noted the break in the ice, the sodden appearance of both males, and knew basically what had happened.

Cautiously, the female started her way across the ice, but her shifted bulk was making the ice shift dangerously beneath her feet. She paused, not sure what to do. If she took the time to shift, the boy might lose more blood than truly necessary, but between herself and Slay, she could get him to the shore so she could get the bleeding stopped. That too, would take another length of time to accomplish. It would have to fall to Slay to get him back to her, and then she could handle the case from there. "Slay, I can't cross the ice! Can you bring him to me?" And please, be careful?


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