Four blessings of me


The white wolf walked through the forest of Etheral Eclipse. There was a very scarce ray of sunlight because of the massive coverage of the tree leaves. How the plants on the ground last he'll never know because plants need sunlight to survive. Actually, not just plants, but all life need sunlight. Otherwise, everything, including the planet would die from no sunlight. The trees seem to be getting lots of sunlight because they overlap everything that is under them. Pendzez looked around to see nothing much. Just a scarcity of snow, sun, and plant life.

He continued on into the forest, passing each tree with caution. He didn't what would be hiding away in the shadows, waiting for something to come out to attack. If someone lived here, he wouldn't know how they would survive with this kind of danger happening. With four butterflies on his shoulder, he went on, coming across a cabin. There were sounds coming from it, probably creaking sounds. However, these sounded more alive. Then he knew who's cabin this was. Deuces. He heard that she went back to her cabin in Etheral Eclipse. Pendzez thought he could drop in a visit. He walked to the door, giving it a few knocks.


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