they call me the wanderer

Thank you again for your patience. Smile

Frustration easily builds upon itself when the frustratee is running on empty. Most self-respecting creatures would stay inside rather than brave this damn cold--a freeze that eased only slightly in the sunlight. That cut down on the amount of prey about. It was probably a good idea for Madison to start hunting after dark--she'd be moving in the even colder temperatures, and she wouldn't have the camouflage problem. A sigh came out in a puff of steam.

A few steps more and one ebon ear flicked toward a noise. It was a silver canine who arose from the bushes some distance away, and he was male. Nice fur, a little jewelry. Some of the Feh'yuri women used to wear earrings like that. But even with these observations, Madison's cool amber eyes regarded him with all the interest of a piece of meat. Well, not really, her stomach protested. She was very interested in meat right about now, but not very interested in him. It wasn't an affront to him personally--he might be a nice guy, but 'nice guy' wasn't really a phrase she was familiar with. (But again, she wasn't familiar with many males.) The black paws had stopped mid-stride, sinking into the contrasting white snow. She raised her head--which she was fairly sure she could get away with, but she was only fairly sure she wasn't on pack land--and asked simply, "Kin Ah help yew?"


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