you seem like you'd be a good dad
Dated to February 7th. Oh, and shall we say that Savina already told him about Iskata? And we'll have Mati jump in after you reply! Big Grin

It felt like her life had finally gotten back on course. She had gotten help for her problem, her relationships had been mended, and she was finally feeling at peace with herself again. Of course, everything felt perfect where she was right now. Snugly cuddled up against Kansas as the early morning light leaked into their room, the world could not have been better. Their combined scents filled her head and it was impossible for her to wipe the smile off her face. It was almost as if they hadn't had that little bump in the road she had caused. Of course she knew better, and would never let herself forget what had happened. Savina was just overjoyed that they were able to move past it and go back to being a happy couple.

Propping herself up on one elbow she gently nuzzled the side of his face. Underneath their thick blankets her other hand rested on his waist. Usually the Mediterranean fey was not one for such early rising, but she found herself not wanting to miss a single moment with him. Even though every night they shared the same nest of soft fabrics and plush pillows. "Are you awake, my love?" she cooed softly. It was a silly thing to do. If he weren't awake he probably would be now. Most times she would let him sleep, but she was in a bit of a playful mood and wanted his conscious company.


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