you seem like you'd be a good dad

Savina knew that Kansas had his insecurities, but she didn't see him that way. She had never seen him that way. He might not have been the strongest wolf in the pack, but that had never been what she wanted. What she wanted was a partner and that was exactly what he was to her. Neither one carried the relationship solely on their shoulders. They both did equal shares of giving and taking. That was the kind of relationship she wanted her pups to see as they grew up. The father needed to be just as loving and nurturing as the mother. She knew he would be.

His soft growl sent a spark up her spine. It was impossible to deny it; she loved this. When they got intimate in this way it brought out a different side to both of them. In her mind that made it all the more special. It was like their passion had been bottled up and at these moments it broke free, surging through both of them. As he leaned against her she gave a contented little moan. Eyes shined with that mischievously hungry light that was always present when this happened. A smirk crossed the dark girl's lips as she eagerly laid back. She reached her head up to gently nibble at his ear. "No one could ever make me feel this way but you."


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