i thought it was there for good so i never tried

OOC: 300+

Lubomir still wasn't sure why she was doing these things. Did she honestly feel sorry or was she just being apologetic to try and get on his good side? This was why he couldn't understand puppies. Some, like Simon, in Crimson Dreams, were sweet and full of wild tales about dragons. Others, like this girl, Svara, was that her name?, were calculated and mature. Or pretended to be. He watched her shift with an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Lubomir couldn't quite put his finger on what it was, exactly, that made her so strange. Why he had this growing dread of being around her. He thought of Firefly again, of the way she worked her seductive charms on him, of how she seemed to engulf him completely in her snare and then twisting his mind. He had to wonder what exactly this girl would grow up into. He let none of that show, though, instead bowing his head slightly and smiling at her again.

Perhaps it was the way she carried herself that made him wonder. He followed her movements, trying to gauge exactly what made her so peculiar. He listened to her explaining how much she knew. He nodded to himself slowly, as if he had expected it all. "You know, there is no shame in not knowing. You're young, there is much yet to learn. I could teach you some basic things, if you want." Lubomir smiled at her again, although it didn't carry the usual warmth. "So tell me, what is your name? Your parents aren't here in Dahlia, are they?" He wondered who was taking care of her. She'd seemed close to Haku, but that was merely based on the cursory glances he'd thrown her during the hunt. If the Lilium was indeed taking care of her, Lubomir couldn't help but worry. Who knew what the male was teaching her?


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