Too Afraid to Change

OoC: Words: 500+
Inorite? =D

"...His mother's maiden name... Colibri Soul. And that would be my name, too, right? Or I'd be Colibri Sadira, if I took the regular name. Cercelee said she was a Sadira, but I wasn't quite sure how we were related. It's... a little confusing..." Coli mused aloud, enjoying the sound of the names on her tongue. 'Sadira' was especially pretty. But she had 'Haki'... as in 'Haku'. He had invented a surname for her, although whether it was to start his own original bloodline as Mew suspected, or to disown her from her relatives as Coli suspected, she didn't know. 'Haki' was short and succinct - not a bad name, but it reminded her too much of him. Just like everything else about her did. "That means... if I ever have children... They could choose between three names..." That thought was whispered, barely audible - a fragile hope. What man could love her at all, let alone enough to start a family? And what would 'Haki' puppies be like...?
The white lady spoke of 'wickedness'. That much she knew of. She had no love for her father or for his devil-bride... and was terrified of finding the same wickedness in her own soul. Seeing how calm and gentle her father's sister was, well, it was a relief. Perhaps she took after her aunt more? Or the grandmother she was named after, Colibri Soul? But disappointment punctured her fancying - she too sported the dirt-brown fur, unlike the rest of the pure white family. She couldn't pretend to be anything better than what she was.

She almost missed Mew's next words, she was so lost in thought. "He was worried because he had wronged you, failed at his role as a parent, worried that he would do it again." It was almost comical, the disbelief etched into her countenance. How could that be possible? He had more than failed as a parent, he had failed on every level of existing. He didn't fit into any niche in society, couldn't perform the most basic of responsibilities without the need to release his pent up energy and violence. He was a rapist and a murderer, a true psychopath - Coli believed that much wholeheartedly.
"And... you really think he was telling the truth? Or was he just saying what you wanted to hear...?" Speaking so rudely to the pristine white lady made her treacherous heart lurch, and she immediately regretted mouthing off. Was she about to get slapped? Wait, Mew had something else to say-

Coli seemed to wilt a little, her ears drooping back, her fingers slipping back to her sides. Auntie Mew didn't want to know? Well... She wasn't about to divulge anything, but... That was just the sort of feigned ignorance that everyone here seemed to share. Don't ask, don't tell. The "Haku" Policy. Heaving a small, sad sigh, Coli glanced away, studying the gazebo with her intelligent gaze. Change the subject, her mind urged, so that Auntie Mew doesn't tire of your pathetic antics.

"...Do you... have a mate, Auntie Mew? Children?"


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