is it bright where you are?
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As the seconds ticked, she watched. Taking in the sight of him, and imagining herself in the garb that he wore. Of course she would have to be able to shift, and that thought alone intrigued and frightened her. She understood that she would be able to once she matured, but the act of doing so was daunting. Still she could picture herself clear as day, standing on two large brown paws, hair long against her back and as wild as her fur was on any given day. She had pictured it often, but now she wore his coat, hat and scarf. Though Mati was sure she could find one that matched her eyes, and something less ragged. She would be his partner in stealth and secrets, but accessorized.

I do. She almost found his question odd, not sure why she wouldn’t like it with her family. Sure things got complicated, when she wanted to play and the others didn’t or if her mothers had scolded her. The idea of her father was a constant source of confusion, but it was easily pushed into the depths of her mind. Do you like it where you live? It wasn’t fair if they only spoke of her own pack, she had bored many a soul with the workings of the hierarchy, being older she understood it didn’t make for pleasant conversation. Onus. Speaking his name, just so that she could feel it roll off her tongue. She liked its easy passing from her lips.


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