is it bright where you are?
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Unclaimed part of Rabbit Lake Big Grin

What the hell was he doing here? He really wasn't sure. He had been traveling more of the areas of 'Souls. Part of him had been trying to keep an eye out for this Church man that Anu wanted dead. And if she were correct, and as of now he had no reason to doubt that she was, he deserved it. Rapists were some of the most disgusting scum on this whole sick planet. They didn't deserve to live and breath along with the rest of the good people out there. So he did his best to extinguish the life from their eyes as often and as many as he could. But in these travelings he had come across a good sized lake in a hilly forested area and the wind had blow the scent of a pack to him. A pack whose scent he recognized from the tawny she-wolf he knew.

Onus had taken to sitting in a tree, seeing if he could spot anyone from the pack. So far no one had come by. Admittedly he wasn't on the borders, he was simply watching the far side of the lake that did belong to the pack. He had no idea who or what he was waiting for. To catch a glimpse of the woman who had been raped? No. She said that pups had already been born from that, so there would by no physical signs left. Except for the pups themselves. Winter wasn't the best time to have a litter, so maybe if he saw a female with pups it would be them. There was no guarantee though. Fuck. What was he doing? He didn't need to see anyone here. The rapist bastard wouldn't be here. Probably no other criminals either.

With an exasperated sigh he leapt down from the tree. What a waste of time. What was going on with him? He knew better than to waste time. Before he left it wouldn't hurt to get a drink though. The coated coy walked over to the edge of the water and punched through the thin ice there. The frigid water instantly numbed his hand, but he paid it no mind. Cupping his hand he brought some of the cold liquid to his lips, drinking it down.

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Further and further outward she went. Her strength and courage grew the more she explored and she liked how she was able to go out on her own. There was a good chance that she would become more then the scaredy-pup then she had started out as. Though she still refused to venture out in the dark, when shadows so easily hid the monsters of her nightmares. That was still a mountain that she needed to climb.

The lake was a safe place, but still hid various mysteries that had yet to be solved. She skirted along its bank, weaving in and out as the lake’s design allowed. As always it was a game, the number of steps that she took, the colors that she found in the icy surface and the creaking that the frozen parts made as she stepped on them. They played with her ears, and warned her to not get too close. She was fully aware of all the dangers that hid beneath the placid surface. Drowning was a real threat, it was like when she ran to fast, or when she was tickled or the moment she began to panic. Her breath was lost, and her chest so tight that there was no room for air.

Before she knew it, she had left home. Running strait out of the comfort that the scent of her pack provided violet eyes looked around noticing that it truly didn’t seem any different. Once she settled in the thought, she found that there wasn’t much of a change in how she felt. The lake was still present, the landscape hadn’t morphed into something that was unpleasant and she was certainly still whole. Relaxed, an easy smile curled her lips and she padded easily on her way her thoughts far from the notion of a crushing chest or of drowning.

Scents lingered and sounds floated on the still winter air. Though her body continued to move along its guided course Mati looked on with interest until the origin of the smells and sounds came into view. The different creature made her pause, though only for a moment. He was unlike anything she had ever seen. Her head cocked to the side in confusion, his actions were fierce and quick. Smashing the ice of the water’s surface in one fluid motion then taking what he needed from it in another. She stood, staring blatantly at the beast her mouth parted idly and much closer to it then she had thought. The combination of his coat, hat and facial cloth made him something out of her dreams. But he wasn’t a nightmare, she would know if he were one of the dark things that spawned from evil. Instead he was just something different.

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Now, Onus had trained himself to be constantly vigilante. Always aware of what was going on around him. Every shift of the wind, every new noise, every small change in detail. He had heard some creature moving around near him, but whatever it was it was small. Far from a wolf or a coyote or anything that could cause him trouble. He assumed it was probably a rabbit or raccoon or something. Seeing as he wasn't particularly hungry, he paid it no mind. He took a few more handfuls of icy water to his lips. That was the problem drinking from your hand, by the time one got the water to their lips, it was almost all gone. The coyote didn't care though. He found it more dignified that leaning forward to lap at the lake.

He wiped his hand off on the lower part of his coat and then rubbed his hands together quickly to warm them up. Slowly he stood up and looked to his side, and he had to admit, he was a little surprised. Instead of some potential prey animal moving around it was a small brown wolf pup. Veiled eyes fixed on her form and he stood there silently for a few moments. The child was staring at him, but oddly enough, didn't seem afraid. The 'yote could smell fear as easily as anything else, and there was no hint of it here. His nose twitched. "Hrmm. You live over there?" the man asked, motioning towards the other side of the lake.

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this is poo…

How strange. Violet eyes peered at what should have been his face, wondering if she stared long enough she could see through the shroud her bore. Though nothing happened, he (for she was certain it was a he by scent, stance and now voice) spoke. The even, monotone voice made her ears flicked backward. Though with her ever-growing interest they returned to face him. With all curiosity set on the stranger she head turned to the side as her brain wondered about everything the was said about him through his dress.

Awaken by the question Mati remembered her manners, and that it was fair or nice to stare, she rested her view on the side of the lake he referred to. Oh, yes. A paw step brought her just a bit closer, and she stole a glance in his direction again. Umm.. her voice trailed, unsure where to begin the interrogation. Of course it wasn’t polite, as she strove to be, still the overwhelming need to know exactly what he could be was, well.. overwhelming!

You come here oftens? the generic question she had heard spoke by some adult to another as some insignificant time spilled from her mouth. Maybe once they became more acquainted she could shower him with the pending inquisition.

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Nuuuu. This is though!

He didn't think much on her staring. She was only a kid and even adults forgot their "manners" around him a good amount of the time. The male was never too concerned with how people acted around him. As long as they were not purposefully rude or getting in his way he didn't care. So she did come from that pack. It had been the most likely answer but still. Perhaps this was one of the children that had been brought about by the rape. Some of the "breathing" proof Anu had told him about. That hadn't been his reason for coming here (he still wasn't certain what it had been), but now that he had come across one might as well talk to her. "Is your mother Anu?" It was a little strange asking that since he knew that she was not the biological mother, but that was probably how the girl thought of her.

Onus' ears flicked as the little brown pup asked him that question. It seemed like one of the least likely questions to be expected from someone her age. "No. Never been here before." The coyote had never really talked to a child before. At least not in some non-traumatic situation such as this. He didn't know how to act or what to say, aside from how he always acted and what he always said. He didn't want to scare the girl or anything.

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everyone poos… except erin… !

Another step, and she could see the folds on his face wrap, and how there might just be eyes beneath it. She wondered what color they were, if they matched his tan and brown colored fur, and if they sparkled like jewels. She imagined him with bright yellow orbs like the sun, burning holes in the concealing veil to shine for the world to see. The world must be pretty hazy behind the kerchief. Mati couldn’t catch everything, even without a shroud.

As he spoke she began to grow comfortable with his appearance, and the urge to question it was waning. Her ability to accept all the differences in the world was not something that would likely stay with her in her later years. It was a lucky thing to come across his now, when her mind was so open. The sound of her mother’s name coming from his barren tone distorted the image she held of her, and she had to think twice to finally become aware of whom he spoke.

She nodded, You know her? She tried to hide her excitement, knowing instinctively that he wouldn’t share her enthusiasm. She couldn't believe that he mum was a friend of his, and that they had spoken of her. That’s Crimson Dreams. Motioning towards the other side of the lake, her voice was settled and more even then before. He looked like the serious type, and she didn’t want to seem like an annoying little sister trailing him around where she was wanted.

And…I’m Mati.

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Lies! But <3, nonetheless

He could sense her becoming more and more comfortable around him by the minute. It was oddly calming. The coy had always held a high opinion of children. They were the purest forms of life on this planet. So innocent, so willing to be accepting of differences, so good. While he knew the answer and knew that such a thing could never happen, at times he wished that everyone could just stay in that mindset. Not grow out of it and become exposed to the horrible corruption that pervaded life on this earth. One of the reasons he did this was to protect creatures like her.

In response he also slightly nodded his head. "I have met her. A couple times." Onus really didn't know Anu. He just knew who she was. That and that he trusted what she said. The female had yet to lie to him on any subject and he would easily be able to tell if she were. For that he respected her. The man looked back over his shoulder as the pup stated the name of the pack. "I see. Like it there?" He figured that question would be less suspicious than asking if she was treated well and it would probably get a satisfactory answer. He knew Anu treated them well, just not the others.

Looking down at her he figured it would be better for her if he sat down. It would be more comfortable to talk that way and neither would hurt their necks. The coated canine settled himself onto the ground. He didn't motion for her to come closer or anything. She could if she wanted to, it was her choice. "Hello Mati. I am Onus." He wasn't usually one for exchanging names, but this was different. She was only a child and surely she had been taught that's how meeting someone new went. He was willing to be more sociable for her sake.

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As the seconds ticked, she watched. Taking in the sight of him, and imagining herself in the garb that he wore. Of course she would have to be able to shift, and that thought alone intrigued and frightened her. She understood that she would be able to once she matured, but the act of doing so was daunting. Still she could picture herself clear as day, standing on two large brown paws, hair long against her back and as wild as her fur was on any given day. She had pictured it often, but now she wore his coat, hat and scarf. Though Mati was sure she could find one that matched her eyes, and something less ragged. She would be his partner in stealth and secrets, but accessorized.

I do. She almost found his question odd, not sure why she wouldn’t like it with her family. Sure things got complicated, when she wanted to play and the others didn’t or if her mothers had scolded her. The idea of her father was a constant source of confusion, but it was easily pushed into the depths of her mind. Do you like it where you live? It wasn’t fair if they only spoke of her own pack, she had bored many a soul with the workings of the hierarchy, being older she understood it didn’t make for pleasant conversation. Onus. Speaking his name, just so that she could feel it roll off her tongue. She liked its easy passing from her lips.

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Sorry for the shortness :x

The coyote really had doubted that she was mistreated. Her body was well-fed and healthy looking. She had a pleasant demeanor and wasn't overly wary of strangers. All of these were signs of a perfectly well-looked after child. It was good to see that. Sometimes victims or loved ones of the victims took out their anger and hurt on the children that came afterwards. He supposed he could understand them reacting in such a way, but it still didn't make it right. The pups had done nothing wrong. Just because they had been conceived of a crime didn't mean they deserved to be punished for it.

It was a somewhat difficult question to answer. True enough he lived somewhere, but surely not in the way Mati thought of it. What she thought of was home. Onus didn't have or know any such place. "I sleep in the old city. Don't really have a home though." He didn't bother to ask if she had been there. With how much Anu disliked it he doubted that she would take those she considered her brood there.

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I don’t care, I <3 you.

She had been curious to know where he lived, but was disappointed to find that he didn’t live with a pack. For the seconds it took him to reply, she had already made an entire pack of wolves and yotes that looked like he did. They each had there own mask, some sort of different hair style of long robe. Each had there own talent, while she obviously owned agility and keen senses there was one with super strength and another was the speed of lightning.

Her visions were smothered when he told her the truth. The thought of the city made her frown, she didn’t want to ever go back there. She was larger now, and the memory of that episode was fading, but she still felt unease just thinking of being there. Though, Mati could actually see him there. Why would you live... there? Her voice wasn’t full of disgust, but of quiet curiosity. She wanted to understand what comfort he found there, and if it was possible at all.

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I <3 you too!

Perhaps it had been his lack of a "traditional" upbringing that let him take up the mantle that he wore. Maybe if he had had a loving childhood surrounded by family and friends he would crave companionship like the others of his species did. But that was about as far from how he had grown up as possible. His mother had been afraid of him. Had thought he was some evil creature even though he had acted no different from any other pup. Things hadn't been so bad until she had tried to kill him. If it hadn't been for that male coyote that had stumbled upon the scene she would have succeeded. Being alone was all he knew and felt comfortable with.

Onus wasn't at all surprised at her frown when he mentioned the city. It had been more or less expected. The curiosity in her voice was surprising though. He wondered if Anu had told them that it was not a safe place (for puppies it certainly wasn't), or if perhaps there was another reason she was so hesitant about the place. "Spent most of my life in cities. More comfortable there. Though other cities actually inhabited. Just like they were when the humans lived in them. Except it's us now." That was probably a strange concept to the people that lived here. While they seemed to take advantage of some human buildings the city was more or less neglected.

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He was the source of many stories, Mati just knew it. There were secrets hidden within him that she had never sensed in any other beast. Though she couldn’t see his eyes, she still could tell that he was a deep soul, coming from something different then what she was familiar with. He had already opened her mind and imagination to things that it had never touched before. It was a sweet candy that she couldn’t get enough of. Each answer he gave was another bite, making her crave more and more.

Eagerness couldn’t be hidden within her eyes, though she kept her body from bounding all around, bursting with the excitement that he brought. Of course she pictured it, though the city she saw resembled that of the dark, and dilapidated thing she knew and of the fear that she associated with its concrete. It was a scary, though intriguing, place. I’ve only been there once. thinking of it made her loose her energy, but only for a moment. Recovering quickly, Mati scooted a few inches closer. She sat beside him now, violet eyes looked upward. Does everyone have those, in the city? motioning to his face with her nose. She knew her father certainly didn’t wear clothing like he did, but something in her knew he didn’t truly live there.

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The light dancing in her eyes was like none that he had ever seen firsthand before. Never had anyone been this...happy to be around him. It made him feel somewhat uncomfortable, though his body gave no hint of this away. Usually the only emotions he elicited from anyone was anger, fear, suspicion, confusion, wariness. Never happiness. Never unbridled curiosity. When he thought about it, Onus didn't remember a time he head ever had positive feelings thrown his way. Since Mati was only a little girl he didn't worry too much. Though if it had been an adult he might have tried to make a hasty exit.

The coyote was surprised she had been there at all. He just had assumed she'd been told horror stories of how creepy it was and that it was dangerous. For some reason though her fear was well-founded, at least in her head. "Didn't like it?" A stupid question. Usually he would never ask something so obvious. She was just making him stumble all over himself, at least in his head it seemed that way. He watched her scoot closer to him so that she was sitting right next to him. Being in such a close proximity to another in such a tranquil situation felt so bizarre to the battle-hardened man. "No. Don't think anyone else does." At least he had never run across anyone with an eye wrap aside from himself.

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He was truly unique. Such a thing would have been obvious to any older wolf, who had more world experience then Mati. But she was just entering that world, blossoming and joining those that explored the reaches of the earth. She was new, and with the came questions that needed answers. Like; Was it always cold, or was there something different? What did an apple taste like? (And the ever pertinent) Where did puppies come from? She just didn’t know, and many of the answers she sought would only come by experience, like the one she was involved in at the present time.

She shook her head. No. her answer was simple, though she wanted to tell him why. Sometimes she believed that if she didn’t talk about it, and then she would have to think about it. And then it wouldn’t be true, and there wouldn’t be the confusion. But it felt wrong to leave him with a one-word answer, Mati always hated those. She always wanted a reason so she would give him one too. I met my father there. her eyes lay on the iced lake, its blue and white surface glistening in the sun’s light. He didn’t seem right. Mati wasn’t even sure what being right was, but there was something about the male that was just wrong.

You can’t find the colors you can find here. Lavender eyes looked at him, back to her usual pleasant mood. A smile crossed her face before looking back to the scene mother nature had created for them.

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No. Of course not. He had known that answer before the question had left his mouth. He was not in the habit of asking such questions unless they really had some sort of purpose. Like making a criminal feel guilt. Making them say what they had done out loud. The confession. That was the only time he asked questions he already knew the answer to. But now there was this as well. But the little brown girl was as far from a criminal as one could get. If anyone deserved his indulgence, it would be one such as her. Onus had not intended to ask any further questions on the matter and did not expect her to wish to say more. At her response his ears twitched. "You did?" Now that certainly was a surprise.

How is it that she had met the man responsible for her life? He knew that Anu would not have permitted such a thing, but why in the world would her mate? She had been the victim of the assault. Had she seen him alone perhaps? Though if that were the case what would have stopped him from trying to harm her? It all seemed very odd to the coyote. "He isn't. You should avoid him." Whether it was his place to tell the child such things or not was not his concern. She needed to know that he was dangerous.

He followed her line of sight out across the lake. Onus never paid much mind to the scenery, aside to see how it could serve to his advantage in a fight. "No. Suppose not." The man was more at home with the dull colors of the city than the bright ones of nature. There was so little that was natural about him. He had never lived like Mati had. All he knew was concrete and varying shades of gray.

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Perhaps her feelings had been right, the instinct that came to her when meeting him wasn’t a lie. Though her mother had said that nothing would happen to them Mati had felt something strongly opposing the situation. She trusted her mother with her heart and mind, but her gut had twisted and warmed her against it. Onus’ warning made the feeling definite, and even gave her permission to be against seeing him again. Even if she was asked to told to do so.

Have given him a small nod to answer his question she sat quietly to listen, though he had little else to say about the beauty that the city lacked and her home possessed. Eyes ventured back to his face, the veil over his eyes kept her from seeing what hid behind his features. She had come accustomed to the ability to see into another eyes, even if they just had one, and had begun to read the emotions that pooled within them. With an exhale she spoke again with a voice that was neither judgmental or condescending, Do you have eyes, under there? The last two words were matched with a small tip of her nose towards his eye wrap. She was truly curious, and till this point he had been tolerant of her questions so she hoped he could stand just a few more.

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Onus felt no remorse in telling the girl to avoid the man who sired her. Whoever told her otherwise would be a damn fool. Even if they believed that he had "changed". He knew better. They didn't change, none of them. They only got better at hiding their sickness. She was too sweet and pure to be subject to scum such as him. There was no guarantee that he wouldn't try to do the same thing to her. Now that he had met Mati he felt an even greater urge to find the man. He wanted to rid her of such fears and nightmares. Whenever he found this Conri Church he would make sure that the last breath he drew on this earth would be in his presence.

The small girl was once again staring at his eye wrap. While no one had ever been disinterested in it before, it seemed that the creatures here were much more interested in it. Though he supposed it was only natural to her. Surely she had never even seen anyone wearing clothing before, much less a piece of cloth to cover their eyes. At her query he nodded his head. "Yes. I have eyes. Work just as good as anyone else's. Better than some." Many assumed him blind. While not the true purpose of his veil it could prove quite advantageous if a foe believed such. It came as a big surprise when the supposed blind man could see everything they were doing.

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Sitting beside him she felt safe. Though he looked like one, he wasn’t a monster or something from a nightmare. He was one of the heros one of the good guys that gave all they had for a single purpose, though Mati wasn’t sure exactly why heros did what they did. She could only guess that it was to help people. But, she had learned enough to know that not everyone deserved to be saved. She wondered, would he save those that had been bad themselves? He was like Haven, caring enough to place themselves in harms way to protect others. Even a dirty colored little wolfess.

I thought you did. He had always seemed to see her. Though, she had already met a Cyclops, a wolf with no eyes at all would have been something just a bit more fascinating. She declared him interesting enough, but when her curiosity was given an inch she always wanted a mile. She didn’t, wouldn’t ask for him to let her see. There was something unsaid about the mask he wore, and in a way if she did get to see what eyes lay beneath it some of the mystery that surrounded him would be lost. Mati didn’t want that.

Instead she would ask him something else, her eyes on the lake and her head in a pool of memories. You ever thought you were going to drown? Picking one from the masses Mati set her eyes on the water, remembering how she had been told what drowning would feel. Maybe he would know.

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Onus didn't really do what he did for anyone. Though if it was for anyone it was for innocent little children like her. Those that had done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be exposed to the slimy fingers of the criminals of the world. Grasping and reaching to mar everything that was good. Though a part of him did it for people who he judged as good. They had lived respectable lives and they also didn't deserve to be plagued by such things. For him though there were only two kinds of people: good and bad. There wasn't any gray area with him. You were one or the other. True, some bad people didn't deserved to be punished as harshly as others, but they all deserved punishment. No one else was giving it to them, so he did.

Well, she was a smart (or at least observant) little pup. Of course she had asked that question just to be sure, but it was clear to anyone who watched him that he could see. It was true enough that some blind canines' ears became so sensitive it was almost like they could see with them. But Onus' vision was not at all diminished. He didn't blind himself to the ugly parts of the world. He may have been the only one willing to look into the deep black pit of the world. Some liked to ignore it. Pretend it wasn't there. And he judged them fools.

Her next question was odd and unexpected. Such a dark thought for such a small girl. The truth was he had never thought about drowning. The man had always expected to die in battle. Sometime in the future when his body wasn't as fast as it once had been. Missed a step or a dodge. Stumbled. Then it would be over. Because he would never stop. Could never stop. "No. Have you?" What would make a child think of drowning?

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Since meeting her aunt, Mati had thought of it from time to time. It was something so unknown, so abstract that she found it fascinating as well as terrifying. Ember had explained it, and there was even a moment where she had held her breath until she could take it any longer. But even she knew that it wasn’t the way it really felt. She thought that maybe this weather beaten soul had experienced it. He seemed like the type to have experienced most things.

Shrugging her round shoulders Mati looked back to him with a small smile. No, but I don’t think it would be fun. Ember hadn’t made it sound enjoyable at all, and Mati was even sure that it would lead to death. It was a serious matter, but she still couldn’t help but be curious about it. He looked at her, and Mati could almost make out a curious expression on his face. But maybe she was only seeing things. Still, she felt the need to explain. I was talking to someone about it once. And just never met anyone who almost did.

Violet eyes looked to him again, suddenly wonder what he was to her. A friend? She wasn’t sure how many of those he had. Living alone, and in the harsh cold city. The young wolfess would have opened her arm to him, but there was no way he would have wanted the acceptance. He was just something else. She didn’t have many male figures in her life, and even if she truly didn’t know the significance of having a father Mati still missed the connection. She found the security that she felt in his presence would be like something a father would bring.

How do you know my father? The question sprung to her suddenly. After all, how did he know he wasn’t right?


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