a heart full of sunshines
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... blebot.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Catherine had finally found the courage to do it. She didn't feel ready, but she felt eager to, and it was enough to her. Walking slowly to where the smell of the barn was concentrated the most. Finally, when her eyes met the barn, she froze and swallowed air. Suddenly, there were butterflies on her stomach, and her breathing got lost. As she forced an awkward walk toward it once again, the horses got in her sight. It came again, but much more strongly. She admited she was a little... intimidated with horses, but she wouldn't let fear stop her. She never let it, and she wouldn't now. Taking a deep breath, she looked around, after some horse that could catch her attention. There it was. It was a mare, its fur was cream and its mane and tail were chocolate brown. Catherine watched, admirating as it trotted around the fences gracefully. Supporting herself on the fences, she just watched it, forgetting completely why she went there. Its smooth trotting was enchanting her. She felt so perfectly fine. She knew only one person that could make her feel so... well. Leland. She sighed, missing the husky mix. She hoped she could see him again.

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