a heart full of sunshines
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... cwk12c.jpg);background-color:#000;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: bottom;padding-bottom:259px;">
All Welcome!

     He offered the female a warm grin and a raised eye, chuckling at her confession of why she was here. Perhaps today would be the day that the both climb atop a horse, perhaps not, either way Leland was sure the day wouldn’t be a waste. Allowing himself to close in the gap between them, he lowered his voice as if confiding in her a great secret. "I kinda had the same idea meself." The copper hued male smiled, looking back over the horses. It was true he had toyed with the idea, but whether he had the courage to follow through with such bold plans was another story all together. He had failed once in front of Asha, unable to ride with her atop her own horse, the idea of trying and backing out in front of Catherine caused the male unhappiness.

     Yet, Leland mused looking back to Catherine, in front of this female he was feeling bolder. As if he had something to prove. Perhaps it was just his foolish nature or some sort of masculine instinct to win over the female, but he felt, in the presence of this female, that perhaps it wasn’t as big of a feat as he was making it out to be. Clicking his tongue and getting the attention of one of the horses, the large creature rose it’s head and snorted at the husky, causing great amusement for the dog. "Do ya have a favorite, miss?" There were so many of the horses, every color that they came in and probably every temperament too, Leland wasn’t sure if he would find one to his own liking but he would try.



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