...the world's smallest violin

Word count: 426

Gotta be Somebody

One little lump of nephew was placed in her arms, and the woman felt much of her insides burn with the sensation of holding the little thing. It whined a little, but not much, and laid quite still. She supposed they were too young to notice her that much, and the boy seemed sleepy as well. Haku's thoughts were right, she did have trouble not thinking about her own children. How could she not? She had never seen such a small child alive. The only children she had seen at such a young stage was her own, and they had been very dead. She hadn't looked at them long, either, and to have a little warm, moving bundle in her arms like this was.. well, a sensation she didn't know how well she'd been prepared for. She did wish that they were hers, but then again not at all. She wished that she had her own, some who would be adolescent now, nearly a year old, and could dote on their cousins Emwe and Conor. But there were none, and the only branch of family from Mew's side was herself. All these thoughts and more raced through her brain as she looked at the child for a few long moments, a tenderness in her eyes easily visible to all who searched for it. One hand supported the little thing, and another hovered near its face, as if wanting to touch it, but not quite daring. Oh Mew thought her longing was quenched, but it never would be until she had her own children, she knew that. Perhaps she could get some of it out of her system with these little boys, however, and when her brother announced she could babysit as much as she wanted, she felt a small light-beam soar through her, before it died alongside her hope. Handing the child back to its father, Mew mumbled a response - not sullen, but uncomfortable. "She won't allow it, you know that." Firefly hated Mew, and Mew hated Firefly. If either woman could help it, the other would not be near the children by a radius of a mile, but Firefly was their mother, and Mew was not. And that was how the world worked. Perhaps when they were older, but it would not work now. Still she appreciated how Haku intended to involve her, at least in theory, and Mew smiled and looked to the pair of living bundles again. "I will have my influence on their little minds when they get older, I guess."

Table by Fish!

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