watch me as I fly away
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No worry ^^ Thanks for the hint X3

Catherine was ending to eat one of the deer's legs when her ears pickered up and turned behind, where the sound of paws walking in the snow came. She looked back, noticing that the stranger's scent was unknown to her. All she saw was a young male, with his bright blue eyes in hers. Observing as the kid approached, he seemed to be lost. She turned around, so she could see him better.

"Hello, there." she greeted the pup, lowering her head so she could look closer at him. "Well, you are in the tribelands of AniWaya." she informed, thinking. "Are you lost, kiddo?" she asked innocently. She suddenly remembred of DaVinci, when he went in this lands looking for his sister, and of his despair when he didn't find the kid. There may be someone out there, looking for the young male in front of her. If there was, she would take care of him until this someone appear.


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