watch me as I fly away

Ooc: Sorry, the huge late DX Too much to do.

It took a while for Catherine to think. No, she hadn't met anyone "covered in scars" like the male described. It was a pity, she couldn't help him out. Well, at least he had a meal and wasn't that hungry anymore. That was better than nothing. She took another bite in the elk's ribs, taking a small part of meat, chunck it and swallow it down her throat before aswering.

Well, I haven't seen anyone like you said. Sorry. she said, apologizing her useless in helping him that time. If he is in a pack, it will be easier to find him. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time at that. she said, being very honest with him. She had already tried to find an old friend that was a loner. Difficult month that was...


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