There's a Change in the Wind
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Cwmfen nic Graine was not disappointed. It was Svara, the young girl that was so taken with Firefly and Haku, that had come. The warrior had to admit that the unrefined pup was the last wolf she had expected to see, and she admitted once again that it was not company she would have chosen to share. The woad warrior had made it a point to ignore the pups, both Flayra and Svara, for she was not particularly fond of youth. Svara was a prime example of why the Dahlian warrior felt that way. And this particular youth had already strayed from a decent path. The woad warrior was very lenient in how she judged the actions of others, but the disrespectful girl definitely bypassed any tolerance. Yet, the woad warrior acknowledged that this youth was a member of the pack, and as she did with every member of the pack the black, woad-swirled female gave her the respect that was due. A light nod and a ghost of an amiable smile graced her maw in response the blunt greeting she was given. And yet, the warrior wasted no time in physically demanding submission from the other. The Tilia did not rise from where she lay, but the subtle changes—the slightly raised posture of her back and head, the erected ears, the lifted and flickering, feline-esque movement of her tail, and the fierce unwavering gaze penetrating the yellow orbs of the child—demanded it.

The black fae watched with a mild curiosity as the girl shifted. There was always something strange and wonderful about the changing of the body, and it seemed to symbolize the youth’s own growing body perfectly. The woman, who saw the world through such symbols, took note of the presentation in silence and waited patiently. And she did not wait long. The warrior considered her request silently for a moment. The white orbs considered the girl, observing her body as well as her posture. Svara had grown since last they met, and, like all pups her age, she was growing like a weed. She was lanky and tall, but the female figured she’d fill out once she reached adulthood. Once again the female nodded, this time to herself, before she spoke. "I will,” was her simple agreement. There was a considerable pause before the silence was broken again. "But there is something that you must first do, and that you must learn as I teach you." Besides fighting, but she figured that the girl would understand the implication.

"I need for you to learn discipline—I know you’ve heard that countless times before," the warrior quickly interjected, "but this business of’s not all brutality. The best warriors know this." Then the alto melody with the silver chords faded and fell silent once more. She did not want to push this female too far yet, and she knew how sensitive she could be. The sensitivity that Svara felt may not have been the same as other females felt, but the warrior felt that there was something there that made the other respond with such hostility. And Cwmfen knew that she had to gain the trust of this female if all things were going to work. That would be the first step of the entire request that Svara had made. "Females are naturally physically inferior to males—at least most are." She thought briefly of certain fish and spiders. "It’s important for us to manipulate the power that we have. That requires self-control, and with self-control, anything his possible." Perhaps such knowledge was dangerous for this volatile girl to have, but she had to start somewhere. And she felt that power would appeal to her.


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