All these things I

Alexey had pondered leaving the cabin's premises when she'd established that Firefly wasn't around. She knew that Haku didn't take too kindly to unexpected visitors, but his blatant ignorance when it came to taking care of puppies had Alexey worried and, well, highly entertained at the same time. Truth be told, she often found herself trying to avoid the Lillium. Lexey didn't quite know how to act toward him, torn between treating him like a leader or the rapist he was. Did people really deserve second chances after commiting such acts of cruelty? Either way, she really had no choice. In the end, he was still her Lillium and pack policies required her to treat him with respect.
The tawny girl stood in the doorway, her back leaning against the frame. She made no effort to hide her presence nor did she try to make herself noticeable. She was there because her co-rank required her to keep an eye on the children, at least that's what her excuse was going to be if the chocolate male ever questioned her reasons for being there. A smirk was plastered on her lips as she watched the inexperienced father struggle with his newborn child. At least he was trying to make everything better, even if his methods were a little ... peculiar.
Her ears perked up curiously when Haku held the child up to his face. What he did next almost sent Lexey over the edge in laughter but she did her best to remain quiet. When Dahlia's Lillium resorted to throwing the child up in the air, the golden femme had to bite her lower lip to keep herself from chastising him. She would not spare him the embarrassment of what would inevitably happen if he kept bouncing his baby around. He would have to learn the hard way, and he did shortly after. Conor regurgitated (of course) and Haku started to gag. What an idiot.
"Haku!" Alexey swiftly moved forward and took possession of the child, giving the man a chance to regain his composure even if he didn't deserve it. Honey-hued eyes then observed the man sternly as she held the pup close to her chest. The Lierre had no clue what to tell him, so she started with the most obvious thing to say. "Just go clean yourself up."

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