All these things I

Alexey Koios behaved rather rudely in response to his words. There had been nothing lying under his words. Haku rarely decorated his words with empty bullshit just to make them look better in public. His face did not darken at her rolling eyes, but behind the mask the irritation rose slightly with the other woman. Right now Alexey was acting rather rude considering his position. Though, it was far from a surprise. He had already removed the woman from his mental list of the upcoming events only he knew about. He listened to her words, but only chose to stay indifferent when she seemed to repay him with a little pathetic compliment of her own. Haku never lied unless he really was forced to, which had not yet happened. Truth could be twisted slightly, but never to hide the plain facts behind his words. Of course he was honest, but obviously she did not suspect such a thing from a bastard like him. None of them did. If one was the bad guy, one automatically received all bad traits that could be found in the book of criminals. Haku was a liar, a hypocrite, a murderer, a thief; he was everything they were not. She then started to talk about some second chance he had asked for, and he flashed that horribly empty smile again, though his eyes revealed that he was somewhat amused at her words.

Had he asked for second chances? No. He had not received a first one yet. It did not matter anyway, no need to cry because of spilled milk. He did not want anything from the latte woman. She had spilled her own chance with him, so to be honest; there were no need for any amends in any form or size. He did not care what the warm coloured woman thought of him. They were all the same in the end, the pack versus him. Haku did not drown himself in self pity, not the slightest. He burned with righteous fury for a while, and then left it behind, but the memory and knowledge of his social status was always present. Coli’s life was ruined because she had given in and let him destroy it. It was just as much Coli’s fault as it was Haku’s by now. It was a choice one could make. One could lay the past behind and look forward, or live constantly looking back over one’s shoulder, and never be truly free of the horrors of the past. He actually had to make an effort not to roll his eyes back at the female when she began to babble about harming his sons. He had heard it too often for too long. ”Shut up.” His voice was not harsh, but it was clear that he had been warned about his sons too often, which was a bloody fact.

The little child gave a mewl from the floor, and Haku gave the annoying thing a little push towards Alexey. It was not hard, but the child lost its balance and stared up at him with shocked eyes that were in the colour of the baby blue that all children shared until they were past the first three months of their lives. Alexey was certainly not happy, but the father that did not want to be a father was sick of it all. He turned around and found the kitchen. ”Emwe is upstairs.” She should do her job and let him be. Maybe he should leave the house and do some of his usual border patrolling. It was quiet and the annoying woman and the children would be far away.


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