lord knows i can change
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The boy found himself mildly surprised at her response. Gaël had enough fighting experience to save him in the short run, but at his age, his skills were not weaned into proper use. He was gentle and smart enough to avoid claimed packlands that could've gotten him in trouble with protective or otherwise testy pack members. His head lowered at her comment; instincts told him he was unsafe all of a sudden, but yet the duel-blooded boy did not move. "Ma soeur, mon frère, et moi, nous cherchons... pour notre père." His expression stiffened; he himself did not approve of the idea. He hardly wanted to find the disgusting creature who had raped and later killed their mother, let alone find out that he was even still alive anymore. Heath and Miriette were more focused on scavenging the grounds, picking out pack locations and other land formations that they could use to their advantage or piece together for answers later. Gaël, however, stuck more to the point whenever he could... he just wanted to get their silly, hopeless search mission over with and go home. "Il y a une grande cicatrice sur son oeil gauche ... et il est couvert avec les cicatrices partout d'autre, aussi. L'avez-vous vu?" The boy didn't even know his father's name.

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