Healing with a little voodoo

Leroy's would've put his ears back on his head but instead they were pushed on the ground as his pink eyes watched the black female, today was just starting to look better then another fight seemed to appear. Sure he could go away leaving this all behind, but why would he though he wasn't to good a shape for any fighting Leroy would just wait and see. His growl grew quite when Svara's word reached him in her chuckle as she ran her hand threw his chest, 'Kujo?..' her moves brought a low purr from his chest as his skull remained looking back keeping at eye on this female- every now and then glancing up at Svara. His curly tail barely swayed as she held his fur in front of the female, Leroy knew she was showing her that she didn't care and she would do what she pleased.

Every word the female spoke annoyed him thought he didn't bother speaking to her but remained silent, his hands gripped slightly tighter when she spoke something that he thought was utterly stupid. He didn't like anything she had to say but only smiled here and there when his firecracker spoke.
"..order me, dog?.."
His hands held her hips tighter then before as the statement angered him, his claws pushed hard into her hip bone as he suppressed his own growl. Looking up he was surprised by Svara's attack at the other for the insult she spat at him, loosening his grip Leroy rubbed it instead as his own thanks to her. It felt nice when she grabbed his fur even tighter with her slender fingers, it almost made him want to forget the pestering woman and continue. Her sweet words made him close his eyes as he agreed with her, he would follow her where ever she wished to go. Rumbling playfully back at her nip he watched her remove his hands and stand, large hand held hers as he pulled himself into a stand as his patterned body stood next to her dark one. Tail swayed as he looked at the black female for a second before whispering in Svara's ear, "lead the way firecracker." Nipping back at her neck, pushing a bit of hair back he glanced on last time before turning back to Svara.


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