God Called in Sick Today
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the 'goods'

Golden eyes simply stared, while his brain wondered if this pup was for real. A castle? The idea of it was certainly interesting, but he really didn’t think it gave him much bragging rights. His tone was uncharacteristically curious, You been to this castle, alone? Or at night? That’s when it would be cool to see, in the dark. When then ghost that no doubt haunted it were searching for fresh souls. The boys other words brought another questioning look to his face. A coyote clan? What did Haven think he was looking at? Heath was certainly part yote, and if there was a clan he wanted to see that it was badass as the kid claimed. He was sure that it wasn’t much to look at, or even bother with.

Where’s that at?

Haven's question made Heath cock his head. Straitening it quickly in hopes to hide the disbelief Heath gave another mocking grin. What did it matter? Did this guy not know what was special about ladies? Heath respected females, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get a good look in every now and again. He had always been partial to the pale-coated girls, but in the end he felt pretty much the same about them all. You know, just wondering if their worth visiting. Your telling me you never checked out the goods in that coyote pack? Though the statement was true, he was far more curious to see the males reaction to his question. Topping it off with a quick cock of his eyebrows and a big grin.


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