there's beauty in the breakdown

Selene. Dated 12/24.
indent A long time ago, a young man had believed that the world belonged to him. That young man had gone from one home to another, tearing up the ground around him like a tornado. He had seen his father turn on him, his children die, his terrible half-siblings fall one after the other, and in time, the end of days. So he had fled, as all men do. He had run west, run to the ocean, run across the sea. He had been running for over a year.
indent Something had changed. He didn’t know when it had happened, or why. There was a gentle acceptance of fate, of the inevitability of death. He had met it like a brother, come to terms with it, and moved on. Now, making his way home in the cold, the red-eyed man felt a content peace, as though everything had been covered in a white blanket and left to sleep forever.


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