the flashback's starting
Anatola heard a voice, shattering her thoughts. She instantly remembered reality, the death of her mate and her blood-stained, scar covered body. She shivered. Anatola looked around rapidly, still in her daydream. She then saw him. It was a male, obviously, by the scent he was giving off. She looked at him and blinked. It took her a few seconds to realize what the brute had said. He had asked if she was alright. Anatola wondered why he would ask that. She was completely and utterly fine.

"Uhm... yeah. I'm fine. Perfectly. Completely," Anatola replied, nodding swiftly. She looked more nervous then she ever thought possible. Anatola felt like crawling in a corner and staying there. On the open borders of Phoenix Valley she felt too open and exposed to the world. It was a feeling that made her feel defeated. Anatola sighed briefly, shaking her fur slightly. She thought the blood would come off her coat, yet she had no luck.

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