Just like the ocean needs the waves.

short… xp

Anu had never thought about the possibility of having her own litter. Well, there had been moments where it had ran quickly through her mind. Now that she had been with Nani and then she and Savina being very close, it was coming up again and again. Of course there was one thing that she would always be missing. But, Anu wondered if it would always be missing. She had a strong feeling it would.

That’s a beautiful name. Anu shared as she smiled. Anu was sure that they would have strong, but lovely personalities. It was obvious that Savina had been raised by a wonderful mother, making her one as well. Mati will love them, I know that much. Anu had a certain connection with the girl, and her nature spoke of a nurturing soul.

The others, will love then too. I’m sure of it... Haven will protect them, we both know that. She smiled again, wanting to bask in Savina’s excitement. This is what she needed distraction.


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