Don't want to lose what i loved about you

Looking downward, blue eyes found nothing. There was nothing but the pounding of her heart. There was noting but the scent of her, and the way the air mixed around them. The feeling changed, as she became angry. It was an odd feeling, like a staggering numb existence. And it was false. She was only angry with herself, Geneva would never truly be wrong in her eyes. Her ears turned to take in the words she spoke, and Anu looked to her as the hand was so roughly placed on her shoulder.

Taking in the words, Anu felt them pass through her skin. A cutting knife. Each syllable gashing and slicing. But there was more then just pain with each of them. There was passion in them. Green eyes blazed, in a way that Anu hadn’t seen. Not since she had pushed her for far away, but there was something different in these words. They were real. Her face stayed solid, though her eyes gave her true feeling away. How true Anu was to each of the things she spoke.

Burn? Anu questioned. I'm the whore, because I always burned for you. Just the thought of how she was changed the moment they shared the same air made her hand began to tremble. Anu wrapped her fingers around the wrist that held her shoulder. Not removing it, but holding it in place. Yes.! I had everything, there was no grave to even cool, she’s living and breathing and I betrayed her every moment I thought of you. there was no hiding, there was nowhere to go, she was out in the open as her voice grew. You couldn't destroy what I had, I did that all myself. Eyes wavered, threatened to break their gaze. But she kept them on the other. Anu was done, done wishing that she didn’t want what she did.

The things I had died Genveva. You left, and you took everything I had with you… And when I look at you, I find it hard to even care. her voice lowered, the mask that she had so securely formed fading. The words rolled off her tongue, and Anu spat them out as her chest heaved up and down. Blue looked to green, their ocean raging. Still the fingers that touched her wrist had caught fire. Geneva would get to leave, and Anu would wish her back at every turning moment. The thought pained her more then anything.

It only makes me want you more. A self-shaking realization. God, who was the whore now?


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