Don't want to lose what i loved about you

Did she give in too easily? Did she have no hold on what she had to offer? Her heart leaped from her ribcage and into Geneva’s arms, and Anu felt no void in her chest. There was no pain as Anu felt it settle in her soft hands, only leaving a warm buzz in her stomach. It beat happily, fluttering as she locked blue eyes with the green ones that pierced her soul. Anu waited, with more patients the she had ever possessed for the female to answer. Her stomach tightened when the room grew silent, the only sound was their quacking breaths and pounding hearts.

In a way Anu read her thoughts, her eyes an open window the workings of her brain. The female was good at guess how she felt, the moment that defined what they might become. She could predict the outcome, and as she spoke Anu left the pull of devastation grab hold and guide her downwards. The last shattered bits of strength kept the darkness from swallowing her, leaving her just on the edge. She said nothing as she watched the wolfess turn her back on her, again, and walk away. Her voice caught in her throat Anu hardly gave a breath as she watched her leave. Was she being honest? Did she not want to go? Part of her didn’t believe, but then they had always been honest… Geneva would never lie.

Anu turned, leaving the house before Geneva could pass back through the foyer. Before they had the chance to meet again. The air was cold against her radiating skin, and the words that had caught in her throat were ready to tumble out into the open air. Unable to hold them back they fell as dotted tears against her face, each drop echoing the feeling that she had swallowed. Wind caught her wet face, and Anu let her body shake with the feel of helplessness that over powered her. Alone she stood, one crying tear falling after another. Each speaking the lost words.

I love you.


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